Updates from the orphanage can be requested from our agency every 3 months and aren't mandatory for the orphanage to respond. Just last month I was at a breaking point and I hit refresh for the 7,000th time and there she was sweet Kai! Standing and sitting so steadily! Growing and changing. A great report and so sweet for this momma's heart. I wish I could send all my love across the ocean... God help me not to smother my girl! I love her in an unexplainable way! He's so good to us! I'm so thankful for adoption into the family of God and into families!!! It's such a powerful way to love. We are coming sweet girl!!!!
Making A Way in The Wilderness

Saturday, October 19, 2013
This ones for Garden Love
The kids loved going to the garden this summer... And I did much more than I imagined I would. We have fresh veggies frozen & pickled and ate lots of yummy veggies this summer. The kids just raved about the carrots! You know things taste better when you get to pick them yourself! Kristy was our trusty garden loving friend & I'm beginning to think maybe the kids think she is there all of the time...I love having veggie loving kids. Hope the grandparents are proud!! All those times telling me I'd get scurvy paid off ;)

Let your worship Rise!
On Monday nights you'll find our house busy with young couples. We cover different Bible studies through the year. This year we decided to experiment and every 5 weeks do group with our families. Come together and worship and learn about the Lord. My kids were thrilled to be part of our Monday night. They always get to enjoy snacks, but have been curious about what we do. Our worship pastor came and led us in worship. Tinlee got to help everyone with the motions to the songs. And Carson, led us in Word time about worship...and taught the kids that worship is a part of us & we have to be the ones to let it rise to our creator. Worship is about who God is, what He has done for us, & what He has yet to do!! He gave them balloons & they wrote things about God on them. Then we released our balloons to see how high our worship can rise!! It was so much fun!!
Psalm 95:6-7 "Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care."
A masterpiece...
My Mom, the kids great-grandmother Nana Jill, made this for our master bathroom. It's perfect & I love that long after she is gone I'll get to admire her handiwork, and so will her grandchildren. Tinlee said just this morning, "At night mom it glistens"...oh my soul! It does and it's a beautiful piece I'll always treasure.
First Day 2013
3rd, 1st and pre-3...testament to how fast time flies! When we moved to dalhart we had one in Kinder Prep! After the summer that was fast and furious we look forward to fall as the crisp air rolls in and the leaves change and so do the kids! I love watching them learn, and we have to learn with them. It's time consuming and hard on all of us at times. But watching them 'get' a new concept or complete a new task is special with each if them.
Family Camp!!!
Colorado Mountains
Christian counselors who love our children
Families seeking The Lord
Intentional activities
Fun fun fun
Food food food
It's all so good
But the take away... We come home ready for the year. Changed and reinvigorated to do life better. Be better to one another & serve better. Derek and I so love watching our kids soak up nature and the sweet outdoors. There curiosity and need to know more about their creator is so evident when we are in the quiet. It's such a blessing and we are so thankful for the opportunity to get away and just be together. This year our caravan stopped at this waterfall. It was majestic! Tinlee paddled her own kayak and did a great job maneuvering around the lake. Harper and I were glad we didn't roll our kayak-she loved rocking from side to side. Sweet memories...
XIT brings a hustle & bustle to Dalhart that leaves excitement in the air. The kids love the rodeo, and since we are city peeps...it cracks me up a little. If we had a horse we wouldn't ever see Harper again...that girl loves to ride. We had fun at the XIT rodeo and fun with sweet friends... The kids loved sliding down the grassy hill and I always love to see the storm clouds roll in. The weekend always brings rain...an answer to many many prayers.
It's a fun time of year as the summer begins winding down. My oldest friend and her family came for a visit. We enjoyed the parade & festivities. Always a sweet time for our kids and especially for us. God has been so good to me and one of the many ways is the friendship I share with Crystal. She's makes me better... A better mom, friend and wife! And it's been such a treasure to share our lives together. She has seen and loved me at my worst & I'm so grateful that she's a part of our lives.
It's a fun time of year as the summer begins winding down. My oldest friend and her family came for a visit. We enjoyed the parade & festivities. Always a sweet time for our kids and especially for us. God has been so good to me and one of the many ways is the friendship I share with Crystal. She's makes me better... A better mom, friend and wife! And it's been such a treasure to share our lives together. She has seen and loved me at my worst & I'm so grateful that she's a part of our lives.
Dossier to CCAI...
sweet summertime...
So I was rummaging through the garage and found a scrapbook I started after our first trip to Disney World...I was pregnant with Harper, so now almost 4 years ago, where is that scrapbook...In the bag where I placed it after Harper arrived-that is so embarrassing, but this whole documenting our lives is hard. I'd stop but the trouble with that is my memory...it's foggy now, I can't imagine being sharper 20 years from now. And, time flies-that's no exaggeration...So when a baby book is empty it's not because we were short on memories/moments...just busy with a growing family.
So even after summer has come and gone we have stories to tell...One fun stop was Destin, Florida....we had so much fun, we travel with friends and their family & this trip we got to meet up with friends from home for dinner it was a treat!
We always have all these ideas and plans...and kids well they keep all those things in limbo. For this trip it was pics on the beach...I'm so glad there wasn't a camera following us; it didn't go as planned is what I'll say. But I captured a few sweet moments.
We can't predict their moods, nor ours, or who will have a meltdown when-and vacation is no exception. I was just scrolling through pics, remembering all the fun and not so fun moments...and it's funny how we have this idea in our head of how our lives will look and how they will be when this or that happens...but life happens...and really for us that has been the best of it all....all the good the bad and the real life stuff that makes such wonderful moments for us...
There is something about the crashing of the waves that just makes things better...the soft sand and waves rolling in is food for the soul. And the giggles and shrills that continued through the week were sweet commotion. We are blessed to work for company that affords us blessings like trips with our friends and family. We are grateful & thankful for all that God has purposed in our lives.
"And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns." Philippians 1:6
So even after summer has come and gone we have stories to tell...One fun stop was Destin, Florida....we had so much fun, we travel with friends and their family & this trip we got to meet up with friends from home for dinner it was a treat!
We always have all these ideas and plans...and kids well they keep all those things in limbo. For this trip it was pics on the beach...I'm so glad there wasn't a camera following us; it didn't go as planned is what I'll say. But I captured a few sweet moments.
We can't predict their moods, nor ours, or who will have a meltdown when-and vacation is no exception. I was just scrolling through pics, remembering all the fun and not so fun moments...and it's funny how we have this idea in our head of how our lives will look and how they will be when this or that happens...but life happens...and really for us that has been the best of it all....all the good the bad and the real life stuff that makes such wonderful moments for us...
There is something about the crashing of the waves that just makes things better...the soft sand and waves rolling in is food for the soul. And the giggles and shrills that continued through the week were sweet commotion. We are blessed to work for company that affords us blessings like trips with our friends and family. We are grateful & thankful for all that God has purposed in our lives.
"And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns." Philippians 1:6
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
The adoption process leaves us at the mercy of others. We get every paper we need together, we mail it off, we wait...we mail it somewhere else we wait...then we wait some more. This summer has flown by which has been such a blessing, because my mind has been occupied with packing and unpacking & packing again. I'm not patient. I want to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I want to check this item off my list. But, here's the funny thing. God has so deliberately planned each stage of this process. Not that he doesn't for every adopting couple, but for some reason I can sense his intentionality every step of the way. I think I will break down, and a friend calls with an encouraging word. I worry about our fingerprint appointments running into our vacation. They get scheduled the Friday before. I long to see Kai's face, a couple traveling snaps a pic of her.
We had been told about waiting at the immigration office. We arrive and no one is there. To top it off the sweet gentleman who helps us, Derek knows! I stand in awe. It is as if He just parts the seas & ask us to proceed. All the while, I do my best to worry less, and have more faith, patience, perseverance...but really. God just wants my reliance on Him. Is that too much to ask? No, but I find myself wandering...below are lyrics to a hymn penned in 1757. I don't know about you, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing...that just puts me over the edge. His mercy does not fail. His love is FAR greater than I can put into words. I'm so thankful for this journey we are on...I can't say what we set out expecting, but it's already more than I could have ever hoped for...and we have yet to meet face to face! At the end of this journey our family will look different physically, but our hearts have been transformed, we won't ever be the same.
We had been told about waiting at the immigration office. We arrive and no one is there. To top it off the sweet gentleman who helps us, Derek knows! I stand in awe. It is as if He just parts the seas & ask us to proceed. All the while, I do my best to worry less, and have more faith, patience, perseverance...but really. God just wants my reliance on Him. Is that too much to ask? No, but I find myself wandering...below are lyrics to a hymn penned in 1757. I don't know about you, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing...that just puts me over the edge. His mercy does not fail. His love is FAR greater than I can put into words. I'm so thankful for this journey we are on...I can't say what we set out expecting, but it's already more than I could have ever hoped for...and we have yet to meet face to face! At the end of this journey our family will look different physically, but our hearts have been transformed, we won't ever be the same.
8 is GREAT!!
This sweet treat is 8! My first born daughter. Tinlee is so special to us. Not only because she is who made us parents, but she is a joy. I don't know where 8 years has gone, but they aren't kidding when they say they grow like weeds. She's a wildflower...delicate & she wilts easily, but that tender heart makes her our Tinlee Joy. She's an excellent big sister & wonderful helper. She loves to read & is a great student. She's inquisitive & silly. And she'll be joining us on our trip to China. I'm so thankful for the plans God has purposed in her life. And I pray that Derek & I can steward her to the best of our abilities. She's a Jesus loving girl & I can't wait to see her leave her mark.
we are blessed to be a blessing...
We got to be part of one sweet blessing this summer...Our church collected items to create BBQ bags for families for the 4th of July. Just a small treat to say, we love you & enjoy the 4th. No strings attached. This pic was taken after we helped stuff bags full after Sunday service. It's such a small act, but we are blessed to be part of a church family who cares for it's community so dearly.
better late than never...Kai's Birthday
Sweet Kai turned 1 on June 24th...it was such a bittersweet birthday...I'm always emotional when it comes to any of the kids growing older...but this one was much different than any other birthday. I'm so thankful for the woman who chose life for Kai. I pray for her & her decision and hope she'll have a peace that passes all understanding. It saddens me to think Kai had no idea it was her birthday, or that she is worth celebrating. So we did our best. We enjoyed Chinese food, and I made her cake. I usually enlist a sweet friend for this task, but seeing that she had just given birth...it was Mom's turn to take a go. She gave excellent directions & let me borrow her cake pans. Gunnar selected sprinkles, Harper chose the little red heart for Kai & Tinlee made a Chinese flag to remember where she is this birthday. It was delicious & the kids were so proud of her little cake. Lots of tears were shed, but I'm so thankful for her. For 3 sweet children who pray the most precious heartfelt prayers for their sister. We can't wait to celebrate together...we are one day closer!!
Monday, July 1, 2013
A Bai Jia Bei for Kai
I came across this sweet idea from another blog of an adopted son from China. Kai's is beautiful and I can't wait to share all the stories of her quilt coming together. A picture just doesn't do it justice. It is only fitting that we make the same quilt for Joli that she will also come to treasure. If you have the same material that's great too, that part is totally your choice. My mom and her friends couldn't believe I didn't have a color scheme...that's the beauty in all the parts coming together.
What is a Bai Jia Bei/ 100 Good wishes Quilt?
To welcome and celebrate new life, there is a tradition in the northern part of China to make a Bai Jia Bei, or 100 Good Wishes Quilt. It is a custom to invite friends and family to contribute a patch of cloth with a wish for the baby. Part of the patch of cloth goes into the quilt for the baby and the other part of the cloth goes into a book with the wish for the child. The quilt contains the blessings from all the families and friends who contribute a piece of fabric.
Would you like to participate?? This is what you can do:
1. Select a fabric that you like, or that is meaningful to you. It can be new or used. I'm going to use swatches from the kids blankets that my mom made for them, for their contributions.
2. Cut one 8" x 8" square & also a scrap piece from the fabric to attach to the Blessing/Verse/ Card...whatever you decide on. Feel free to contribute more than one square.
The Wish/or Blessing for our Purposes
1. This is your choice, something meaningful to you & your family. It could be a special verse, quote, prayer, card, poem & will be included in the scrapbook with the swatch of fabric to identify your square on the quilt. Remember to sign your blessing.
2. If you would like you could include why you chose the fabric, so later Kai can read the story of all the love that went into make this Blessing Quilt.
We'd love to have many different squares so if you'd like to help you can comment or message me & you can mail it on to us!
Here's an example of a swatch!
8" Square
Scrap can be any size; we just want to see which fabric & it can be attached to a plain piece of paper handwritten, or typed, or a card, or whatever you think up-it's up to you!
I'm thrilled & can't wait to see the final product!!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Love One Another....
and when they do...it warms my heart!
a little movie watching under the breakfast table...
& my favorite!
the kids having dessert outside and giggling and loving on one another...they didn't know anyone was watching, we captured some pics from inside while being delighted by their sweetness!!
..."the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13
Father's Day-so blessed!!
Father's Day gets kind of overlooked around here...I'll just be honest. Mother's Day is a big deal & well Dad misses out on the spoiling. I want my children to know...He's fabulous. They may not always think he is, but they have no idea how spoiled they are. Derek gets more than an A+ for the time he spends with his family. He takes part in all we do. Cooking, cleaning, carpooling, reading, coaching, parties at school, Sundays at church, he is my grocery man ;). If we are there, most every time he is too! I also am one of those spoiled kids. My dad was picked for me. My biological dad who's in heaven I am told adored me! And I'm so thankful for his opportunity to give me life. My earthly Dad watched my every move growing up. He was at every competition, every life event & was always my biggest fan! He has stood by me when when I had to make hard decisions. And has been a wise counsel on more than one occasion. God knew my expectations for what I wanted/needed in a spouse & delivered in a big way with Derek. He is mine & I am so very grateful for that. Love you more than words can express!
Psalm 127:4 "Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one's youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them."
Psalm 127:4 "Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one's youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them."
what's better than a race with dad?
Father's Day cheeses with our Papa JD
My cup overflows!!
Sweetest Lemonade Stand
We just recently had a garage sale & the most exciting part of a garage sale is the chance to have a lemonade stand. Our sweet friends joined us so we could have a HUGE selection and they just happen to be adopting too. So our girls had a lemonade/cookie stand to raise money for others. Tinlee used her money to pay for her sister Kai's sponsorship for the room she is currently in at her orphanage. They were so excited by the people giving & buying that didn't buy from the garage sale. I don't know who they will be when they are grown, but I know they will blow us away! God has special plans for these Jesus loving girls!!
Class of 2025
Hard to believe in 12 years this handsome boy will walk across the stage again!! But it is these years when he is absorbing and deciding who he is going to be...that's hard to believe. But so much of this early influence shapes who Gunnar Reid will be in his adulthood. Scary! Sometimes, but also a task I am so thankful to have. New mercies every morning! Thank goodness. Gunnar is our "negotiator", and he is always two steps ahead of us. He is funny & loving. He is an excellent Big brother, even if he wouldn't want anyone knowing. He's learning what he believes and why & that's exciting. He is our favorite son ;) And we can't wait to see what God has in store for him in the future.
"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6
a vision...
This delights my soul. Last summer we had the pleasure of going to Sky Ranch Family camp in Colorado. It's now where we go to Parent Kid retreats & are returning to this summer. Before school ended the counselors were heading through Dalhart to camp! So they came and stayed with us for the night. And we had the opportunity to serve them as they are heading to serve numerous families over the summer. At mother/daughter retreat our speaker talked about a vision for your kids. And these young adults are that vision. They love Jesus & are taking time out of their lives to love God and serve others! It's so beautiful to watch and my kids love them!! No better examples for them & I'm so thankful God let us all cross paths.
Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
This group of kids makes me want to be a better momma and not let up on this time we are blessed to have with them. Time is flying by-they'll soon be off on their own. I'm so thankful for sweet moments just like these! If you ever get the chance to go to family camp it will be well worth your time and money. It's the highlight of the summer!
Monday, May 13, 2013
lions and tigers and bears...oh my!
Well not exactly...but the circus did come to town-I'll just be honest and say it sort of creeps me out...and clearly that's not what a little kid wants to hear-my Mom was so excited & said every kid needs to go to the circus-well I hate to say it, but she was right.
Although my entertainment needs weren't met, the kids well...the pics are priceless.
I mean what more could you ask for...cotton candy, popcorn, coke, an elephant ride, and people swinging from the Big Top! I forget what it's like to be a child. I just remember the growing up part...so today was a good place to take sweet H's 'cease the day' mentality...they grow up so fast! So we will look forward to the next time the circus comes to town!
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