Making A Way in The Wilderness

Making A Way in The Wilderness

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Amazing Day!

Gotcha Day is so amazing! The energy in the room is palpable. We all were ready to go sit and wait and I was busy trying to take some pics and I hear Wen Xia- and Rita waving at me! What are you for real? Before we could put our bags down she was in my arms! Poor baby got car sick and was upset and confused and sleepy....I hand off my camera, Derek digs for iPad, Tinlee is in tears because there are babies and parents and it's chaos! And then the baby swaying begins....Kai stopped crying pretty quickly and let me console her. We got the snacks out and she was quiet and observed and was silly and loving. Today was incredible!! She let all 3 of us feed her and love on her- powerful prayers and sweet sweet families joined today! There's so much more I could say and 10,000 pics- but for now meet our sweetest Kai Maelin....

Introductions....she is so beautiful!

Tender Tinlee- this day overwhelmed my girl but she made the rounds to help with cameras and snacks and consoling kiddos! She amazes me! 

Tinlee caught a silly smile! We had all sorts of fun new cups and treats to try...

Taking a break from our walk around the room- not sure about Baba but did high five him...she stopped and rubbed her cheek against mine! My cup overflows! 

Gotcha 3/31/14 A day we won't soon forget! 

Kai napped on our walk to dinner and when she woke up went straight to Derek for food...and they walked all the way back to the hotel together- he is smitten! 
We are in love and can't wait to have all 6 of us together under one roof! Today was Beyond Beyond!! Ephesians 3:20

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Sweetest Kai

As Gotcha Day approaches....we anticipate what it will be like in the 'delivery room' with 8 other families. The energy is positve and peaceful and ecstatic!!! If that's possible. We all submerged ourselves into Beijing and enjoyed each moment but now it's Go time! 
Josh told us how crazy Gotcha Day was, but said don't worry hang in there- it will get better...everyone will calm down lol. 
I'm in awe of the God we serve. He goes before us and His plans are better than our own. 
I wanted to rush this process, but He intervened when necessary and prepared the way for us and this Mommy who needed Him to handle my heart with care. I've taken it upon myself as a burden for far too long. It was time to be FREE- to step out of the wilderness because I was made for more.
And as I look fondly at my daughter's face I know God wants me to be FREE to set my daughter free. From grief, from confusion, from loss, from not having all the love and affection a baby needs, to a myriad of other things! 
And He longs for us to be FREE so we can set others free. It's one of the reasons I'm so passionate about sharing my life with others- they are seeds for His glory and I can't see all that will be healed by sharing my heart, but I know He is a promise keeper and He works all things together for Good. 
Sweet Kai was birthed in her mothers womb, and God knew where'd she'd be abandoned and where'd she be cared for and who she'd end up with. I pray that beauty will come from all the broken pieces. For a mother who left her daughter for whatever reason- peace for her. For Kai that this isn't her whole story- just pages in her book- because she was made for more! And that she'll bind and attach herself to us but bigger than us- God- for He is Father to the fatherless and He is All we need! 
I'm so thankful she joins Tinlee, my tender hearted loving young lady. She really is a joy and it's a pleasure to be her mom. Gunnar- our warrior! Beat on your chest boy who loves his momma like his daddy. It's wholesome and good and I hope his sisters marry men that love like he does. He adores his sisters and one day they'll see how lucky they are to have that stinker in tow. And Harper- God let me enjoy her for 4 great years as the baby and she is vivacious and wonderful! A proud big sister and so loving towards all her siblings. She loves Big- and I can't wait to see her face when she finally gets to meet Kai. And Kai, she was fearfully and wonderfully made. She is a beauty! I don't know yet whether she'll be gentle or bossy or funny or .....but I know she is loved!!!! BIG and is a part of our puzzle I couldn't see years ago, but God knew. And we are so grateful for the opportunity to love her extravagantly. 
Just like we as orphans don't have to fit any mold or meet any requirement we just are Loved by's so remarkable and as we prepare our hearts for Easter- I'm in awe of a God who loves us with a never ending never stopping love! He is Good ALL the time. 

“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. Yet a little while and the world will see me no more, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. (John 14:18-20 ESV)

Super Saturday

We started today by meeting Josh & Lily, founders of CCAI. Our guides mentioned their meetings, but we had no idea they'd come to meet each of our families. We were all very excited. They are in China checking on orphanges and working with the CCCWA. They also attended a Gotcha Day and dropped in with a group of adoptees who are spending a week serving in orphanages. They were so gracious and thanked us for letting them serve us. Humble hearts that have helped orchestrate 11,000+ adoptions. 

We got to experience weekend traffic- this was not the worst of it. And thankfully we had our wonderful guide to share lots of Chinese culture with us & great conversation from the families we are traveling with. We also were anticipating our arrival at the Great Wall which did not disappoint! We asked Josh about some populations today and he laughed that in all cities we were talking millions...we've never seen so many people. Locals and then add in all the tourists- it's a sight! 

Derek's phone malfunctioned but he and Tinlee made it to the top of this section- to gate 13! This picture doesn't do it justice. It is remarkable. Tinlee was determined and had been looking forward to this adventure for months!!! I stopped about halfway and took pictures and chatted and people watched. Fascinating all the different people from around the world and all over chin* coming to see the wall! 

A little rest before lunch...Tinlee wore her Dad out and didn't break a sweat- it's much steeper then I had imagined and you have to keep steady footing. Of course her I'm finished pic was taken with Derek's phone :/ Next we were off to lunch & starving!!! 

We got to see how copper enamelware is made- looks like porcelain glass but is not! Beautifully crafted and takes much patience to complete. 

We were guided through before lunch and got to take pics- it was a treat to get to see each step of the tedious process. 

Some finished pieces...intricate and vibrantly colored! On our honeymoon we had the pleasure of touring a pottery place called Wasi Art in Jamaica, so I got to start my collection of beautiful pieces almost 10 years ago. As we have traveled we love picking up interesting hand made pieces. So this anniversary rolling around the corner I got to add to my special pieces. Also bought some beautiful ornaments for all 4 kiddos! 

And what's happening at home?! Well these too are having a blast. Between play dates and Harpers awesome teacher. These two are doing great and it makes this momma's heart happy! Tomorrow bright and early we fly on to Zhengzho* and Monday your Sunday we go get our girl!!! Oh the anticipation. We keep saying I can't believe we are here! Gotcha Day is on it's way! Seriously! Unbelievable! 

'This is the day that The Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.' Psalm 118:24 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday Happenings...

We had a long night- it was like nursing an infant between Derek and Tinlee. One was up and down- both were hot and sweaty! And after short spurts of sleep they'd wake up and think it was morning! Oh and Tinlee is sleeping in two chairs pushed together because the twins are a little cozy for two! Laughter here!!  I was unconscious between tending to them which is a huge blessing with my sleeping track record! 
We were hot! Turns out our a/c wasn't working and for this family of sweaty bodies we need air lol...
So we have moved rooms! Then Derek couldn't get the safe to work...So we got a visit from house keeping again- I think we are on a first name basis and the language barrier keeps me laughing...
Walked all over the city! And had authentic food in a local families home! So delicious! A real treat, we also took a rickshaw ride around an older part of the city.  CCAI is taking wonderful care of us. And Derek and I have had the pleasure of traveling with Jones on really great trips and we have really been impressed. 
Oh and let's not forget the highlight- our first experience with the squatty potty! Insert laughter here!!! And the fact that I dropped my glasses!!! Don't ask where! More laughter here- poor Tinlee was mortified! I'm glad it was me and not her. Traveling requires a sense of humor so I'm just trying to add to the trip ;) It could have won us lots of money on funniest videos...
Oh the wonder of a different culture. We have 2 wonderful guides and there are people everywhere. It's close to a holiday so people are out in droves. It's been really great and we've learned all sorts of wonderful history. We have met 5 other families in our group- all anticipating meeting their sweet sons and daughters! And every sweet face on the street would make my heart skip a beat thinking we are so close!!! 
So then to top off the day, off to the pool we went...cap needed! No hair in the pool! Laugh more!!! Then as we walk in it says wet floor and I step over into a 'baby pool' of water. Obviously I don't look before I walk and thankfully wasn't wearing my tennis shoes 🙈

              Cute little cap head!! 

   4 star potty- this one takes the cake!! 

No sweet and sour here- all delicious! Rice, potatoes, shaved cucumbers, garlic shoots, pork meatballs, chicken and the yummiest dumplings ever- 

Tomorrow we are off to the Great Wall! One more day closer to our girl!!! 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Welcome to Chin*

Safe and sound! Tomorrow we explore! Tinlee is thrilled! Good Night ;) 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

It takes a village!!!

We were treated by having a car pick us up in Houston. The Franklins are the best ;). Tinlee said she felt like a movie star lol. Little kids are doing well- Harper is teaching class, Gunnar has a play date scheduled! 
We have received well wishes and prayers!!! We can feel them! 

This from a precious warrior this morning!! 
Psalm 5: 11-12....
 But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
let them ever sing for joy.
Spread your protection over them,
that those who love your name may rejoice in you.
 Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous;
you surround them with your favor as with a shield.
Praying for you His protection and shield of favor today! Let the journey begin! ❤️

We are at peace and so excited! And we know without our faithful village this would be more overwhelming! Thank you for your love and prayers! Our plane leaves for Beijing in 1.5 hrs!! We can't wait to hold sweet Kai in our arms and are in awe that the time has come and is drawing near. 

Thank you thank you thank you!!! 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Monday, March 24, 2014

With Grateful Hearts...

We were covered in prayer tonight by our sweet life group! You guys Rock! And we love you all so much- thanks doesn't seem like enough. This season has been one we are so thankful for. Each of you are unique and bring in such joy with you from week to week. We love being part of your lives and getting to share in the good, bad and messy parts! You've challenged and moved Derek and myself to dive deeper and love better. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

He is Enough

I can't quite describe how blessed we are, or how we even find ourselves in the position we are in...5 years ago we moved to Dalhart. We moved in obedience, we weren't ready to leave all of our creature comforts and church family. Most of all our life group whom we so enjoyed and looked forward to growing with. We found ourselves in a small town, so alone & just a short distance from all those things we so loved. It was a hard place we found ourselves in. And slowly we began taking baby steps-which meant we stopped being upset at God for sending us here and just took the time to see Why Dalhart?! This was a slow moving process...lots of little seeds planted and so many wonderful connections have been made along the way.
We quit complaining, well mostly, we found a church, we were renewed, we had a baby, we had a kindergartener...then a pre-k kid, 1st grader and 3rd grader. Time has just flown by. In the mean time we began a life group in our home, we just said let's be willing and we were. We had such a great example, and are so thankful for the time we got to spend in the Jeter's group. We have had heart ache, we have juggled many things, we have learned, we have evolved, we aren't who we once were when we crossed the city limits of our small town. Some of those were our experiences and others were those of the families we are thankful to be able to serve beside. 
And today we can breathe a sigh of relief because God planted us here and all he asked was that we be willing.  I've had Him ask me time and time again 'Am I enough', it's a difficult question to answer...and this morning as our congregation surrounded us to anoint us and cover us in prayer for our journey to our girl- I could shout Yes!! You are enough and your plans are greater! You had something better for us! And all we had to do was say yes and walk in obedience. That doesn't come without consequences but the benefits far outweigh any burden we find ourselves in. 
Matthew 18:20 reads, where two or more are gathered I am there...the application says that the sincere agreement of two people is more powerful than the superficial agreement of thousands...and I've heard their hearts cry out on our behalf. It's a priceless gift and a body I'm so thankful to be a part of! 
There are lots of emotions at the Bryant home tonight as we tuck our babes in bed...but we know with certainty He asked us to go. And we are comforted by the many prayers being said on our behalf. His ways are better...

'...immeasurably more than we ask or imagine...' Ephesians 3:20 

He's enough. 

Friday, March 21, 2014


Words can't begin to describe the array of emotions that are traveling through my body/mind from moment to moment! We are about to officially grow from 3-4 kids...I'm excited, I'm overwhelmed, I'm thrilled, I could cry, I'm in awe of who God is and what He is teaching me... The day is finally here. And on the 31st we will meet our 3rd daughter face to face. First we get to be immersed in her culture with our oldest daughter. I'm so excited to be with Tinlee as she explores the world around her. I can't wait to see how this trip will shape who she is becoming and who she longs to be. I had a discussion with my mom about this adventure. She says 'adventurous' is not how I'd describe you. LOL...she's right, but what she doesn't know is all those trips where she asked me to look out the window or told me some random fact has given me a love to see all God has created. And Derek and I try to encourage our kids to do the same- check out the sunset guys, do you see those mountains, did you know??? ;) 

I'll be away from home for 18 days, Derek and Tinlee 11 and that seems like an eternity, but our girl has been without a home for 21 months and we've yearned to hold her in our arms since we first saw her face April 30th, 2013...335 days ago...and she was written into our lives long before that day. I prayed specifically about loving our next son or daughter just as I do the ones I was blessed to carry. And the moment I saw her face there were doubts or questions in my mind! 

So we've been prayed over, cooked for, made list, and list and another list, and the blessings just keep coming...

As we prepare to celebrate Easter- I am in awe of Gods love for us... It's never ending and more than I can comprehend for sure! He is always leaving reminders that He is ever present. We don't deserve the goodness He continues to lavish on us. We are so grateful to have the opportunity to walk in His will for our lives. 

Gotcha Day is coming!!! 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

One of my favorite things...

Kai's Blessing quilt or Bai Jia Bei is complete... I love it so much. It's hard to capture in a pic, but it is breathtaking. All the different squares- they are so special and contain a different story and tie to her life and ours... It's so precious & I can not wait for her to ask about each piece and hear the stories of her family waiting and preparing for her!! 

The Countdown Begins....

We received travel approval on Thursday! We were ecstatic. We were anticipating maybe next Tuesday, so it was a welcome surprise. And from that moment on I knew all the refreshing of emails would be great news. We responded immediately to take the soonest option to china! And it's all official now and our gotcha day is march 31st! It's so so so very exciting! I couldn't begin to put all our feelings into words, but we are thrilled and so ready. We met Kai through a photo last year on April 30th- I'll never forget that day. I could not have anticipated what waiting for her would be like and now the time to go has come! God has ordained every step of our journey and He's been preparing our hearts. Each of us... It's been sweeter than anything I've ever experienced and this family is ready to bring home their sister! 
Last time I walked out of the airport I soaked it all in thinking that the next time I walk through the tunnel I'll be greeted by Derek and the kids, she'll be in my arms... Hard to believe it's finally here! 


It's official! We have a 7 year old. And he is something... He is a great Big brother. We try to encourage that title, because sometimes he wishes there were more testosterone around here. But he has been given lots of responsibility with all these girls to look after! 7 makes you stand taller and feel different he is sure! Gunnar is growing and learning and absorbing like a sponge- it's scary! Lol that he will emulate us, because oh dear do we make so many mistakes. But he reminds us that life is fun. His laugh is guttural and takes over his whole body, it's contagious! There are so many things I love about this boy! But mostly how he loves his Mom! There just isn't anything like it. I'm so thankful God planted him in the middle of our family. The girls may not always feel like they are lucky to have them, but he adores them all. Makes me so proud to be his mom. 7!!! A new adventure begins...

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Article 5

We have Article 5 folks-and why is this exciting? Because the next step to Kai is travel approval! Finally, thrilled & so thankful to be at this step. I had wanted to travel before Chinese New Year selfishly. But God always had a different plan. So over the last few months, I've been doing some 'light therapy' we'll call it. That just cracks me up. Because that's really what I thought it would be. I'd go I'd discuss, I'd listen, I'd be good. But, God wanted me to be broken and spilled out-it was necessary. I wasn't ready for this part years ago or even months ago, but the time was now. And I can for sure say this time I was ready. This process has been HARD...but so worth it. I was reading a devo by Anne Voscamp and she says "grief is what cultivates the soil for the seeds of joy". I don't have everything I need to figured out. I still have to learn to operate in my truth more regularly and naturally. Renewing my mind has to be daily! But, I know God just said 'time out' and spent some one on one time with Kai's mom preparing my mind, my heart, my soul-and I am ever so grateful. For Him it hasn't been about when we get there, but how? Do I feel fully equipped for the journey that is about to begin? Do I have all the answers? Absolutely not. The difference is I know full well He has prepared me for this time and space and to be Kai's mom-and in my own strength I am Weak, but in Him for sure all things are possible...and this is just the beginning!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


The fall is always festive and fun-it's nice to reflect upon sweet moments as we wait for spring to arrive. During october we received our i800A from immigration...I have not mastered patience, more often it seems it is mastering me...but this paperwork was the last piece to our dossier!
And we submitted our Dossier on the 17th. It was such a relief to have months of paper chasing delivered into safe hands at our agency. We had to do some happy dancing!

Derek took our boy to Father/Son retreat in Van. They call it Warrior Weekend. I'm so thankful he took the time with Gunnar who so craves one to one guy time since he is surrounded by 3 girls all of the time. He has grown up so much-and he had a great time. He is still talking about all the fun he had, and can't wait to go back. I'd call that a success. I pray for their bond. I pray that as often as Gunnar makes Derek crazy-he sees the Big picture. These moments are fleeting and Gunnar just loves to be a boy. And when we feel like stamping him out-that we'd remember we have to reel all that energy to benefit him. He will be a great man one day, just like his Dad.

...and the waiting continues...

My calendar stays marked up-and I love, love crossing off each box and looking at all we've done for months and months...Thanksgiving and Christmas always rolls in and out so quickly-this year was no exception. The kids had parties and programs and crafts to make and desserts to bake...and this was our first Christmas in our new home so it carried lots of excitement and fun. But this was the first year part of our family wasn't present. Being pregnant during a holiday is fun and exciting and there is so much keeping you busy and happy. Being pregnant with adoption paperwork and a daughter across an ocean is something quite different-my heart ached so badly during each festivity. Placing her stocking on the mantel brought so much joy and sadness. And when that sweet girls ornament arrived I was in a puddle. Waiting has been so hard-I'm so thankful to be on this side of waiting and not at the beginning, but watching each milestone and moment missed has been rough on my heart. And I can't wait to enjoy each moment this coming year!!!
During this time we were also waiting on our LOA- our last official match for Kai. It felt unending the days being crossed off one by one-and finally 49 days later and too many refreshes to the email account to number-it arrived!!! And then we had to wait on more paperwork, but each stage has been so satisfying...just steps closer to gotcha day!
To keep my mind occupied I stayed busy...Derek and I enjoyed a marriage retreat together-it was much needed time to concentrate on one another. I'm so thankful to have had that time looking back. In women's Bible Study we completed Gideon by Priscilla Shirer- it was so so good, and a great time to reflect on how intentional God is with us. It's ok to be weak & let God be the strong one...I am weak! I'm so thankful for His long-suffering nature that didn't just give up on me as I paced and waited impatiently. A friend and I baked 200 cakes for Derek's clients-it was so fun mixing and chatting and eating- Every moment was filled to keep me busy while waiting. And God gave me just what I needed along the way-unexpected pics of our girl, waiting flowers from a friend-all wrapped up in God letting me know...He knows the wait is long, but for me to TRUST HIS timing. We brought in the NEW Year in the mountains & enjoyed giggly kids everywhere and playing in snow and eating too much. It was a great way to end the year awaiting our sweet girl. He has blessed us abundantly more than we could ever ask or imagine!!! I am grateful.

Proud momma moments

During basketball Tinlee fell and hurt herself. I asked Gunnar to go ask for some ice. He hopped up ran down and did exactly what I asked. It was a miracle ;) And he took it to Tinlee and asked her if she was ok. He came and sat by me and told me how the guy at concessions joked with him-and how he laughed. It was such a sweet moment. I then asked if he'd go check on her again. And he did-no delay, just a concerned brother. I was so very proud of the young man he is becoming & made a mental note to document that day. It was a sweet day. And I was encouraged to see growth!! Motherhood is trying but the benefits are priceless!


Sky Ranch is so dear to our hearts. And, we were introduced to Sky Ranch by my wonderful cousin Liz. So when she invited me to a Mom Retreat and Derek approved I was so excited. It was such a sweet time. It was such beautiful weather and such a treat to be surrounded by moms who love Jesus. I'm so thankful for Liz taking time to pour into me, it's a tremendous blessing.


These are a few of my favorite things about you...
4 and Fabulous! 

  • You pray for Kai every single day & insist your friends do too
  • You tell the best stories (one every night!!)
  • You love my silly songs
  • You have a way of making everything you do funny! 
  • You give the best squeezy hugs
  • You love pretend
  • Your imaginary friend Nali
  • Your imaginary friend Jacob
  • Your want to be just like Tinlee
  • Your love of cuddling
  • Your tea parties
  • You tucking me in at night
  • You wanting to come and sneak one last kiss