We started today by meeting Josh & Lily, founders of CCAI. Our guides mentioned their meetings, but we had no idea they'd come to meet each of our families. We were all very excited. They are in China checking on orphanges and working with the CCCWA. They also attended a Gotcha Day and dropped in with a group of adoptees who are spending a week serving in orphanages. They were so gracious and thanked us for letting them serve us. Humble hearts that have helped orchestrate 11,000+ adoptions.
We got to experience weekend traffic- this was not the worst of it. And thankfully we had our wonderful guide to share lots of Chinese culture with us & great conversation from the families we are traveling with. We also were anticipating our arrival at the Great Wall which did not disappoint! We asked Josh about some populations today and he laughed that in all cities we were talking millions...we've never seen so many people. Locals and then add in all the tourists- it's a sight!
Derek's phone malfunctioned but he and Tinlee made it to the top of this section- to gate 13! This picture doesn't do it justice. It is remarkable. Tinlee was determined and had been looking forward to this adventure for months!!! I stopped about halfway and took pictures and chatted and people watched. Fascinating all the different people from around the world and all over chin* coming to see the wall!
A little rest before lunch...Tinlee wore her Dad out and didn't break a sweat- it's much steeper then I had imagined and you have to keep steady footing. Of course her I'm finished pic was taken with Derek's phone :/ Next we were off to lunch & starving!!!
We were guided through before lunch and got to take pics- it was a treat to get to see each step of the tedious process.
Some finished pieces...intricate and vibrantly colored! On our honeymoon we had the pleasure of touring a pottery place called Wasi Art in Jamaica, so I got to start my collection of beautiful pieces almost 10 years ago. As we have traveled we love picking up interesting hand made pieces. So this anniversary rolling around the corner I got to add to my special pieces. Also bought some beautiful ornaments for all 4 kiddos!
And what's happening at home?! Well these too are having a blast. Between play dates and Harpers awesome teacher. These two are doing great and it makes this momma's heart happy! Tomorrow bright and early we fly on to Zhengzho* and Monday your Sunday we go get our girl!!! Oh the anticipation. We keep saying I can't believe we are here! Gotcha Day is on it's way! Seriously! Unbelievable!
'This is the day that The Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.' Psalm 118:24
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