Looked like a can of cream corn juice, we picked up some cookies and goodies for our afternoon. Kai had some koala bear cookies she loved and smeared all over mom! I had a Fanta- not terrible but not Coca Cola!
So we ventured off on a side street where all sorts of venders were selling anything from food, clothes, plumbing parts, and even what looked like a dollar store!
The kids snacked and people watched and we tried to avoid the stray cats and fish heads! What a sight!
We did stumble upon some delicious bread!! There was a long line so we decided it looked non-threatening enough! The dough looked like cake batter! And the bread was warm and wonderful! Kai was loving every bite! It was like a mix between a roll, waffle, pound cake?! If there is such a thing! So delicious!
First Ride! Lol
AiLe not a big fan...
We were also scolded on the street, I'm not sure if he was scolding me because he thought I was Chinese or the girls because we were letting them share chips or what. That's when the language barrier is odd. My concern was not what he may or may not have said to us but what the girls might have understood- people are interesting that's for sure.
Along with those types of encounters we have also experienced some really kind people. When I made my first flight alone, a man and older woman gave up their seats for another mom and myself who's arms were full with babies and bags. I was shocked because we were crammed in like sardines. A lovely old woman just admired Tinlee and smiled and waved at her and snuck peeks during one of our flights- sweet Tinlee said mom she's really sweet. And when we ordered at restaurants the waiters were kind to help when we wanted to avoid ordering anything with nuts. And this morning at the consulate the lady told me how cute Kai was in her visa pic with her pony. I know it doesn't seem like much, but for people always heading somewhere with purpose these small encounters intrigued me for sure. There's just too many questions I would like to ask- one trip can't satisfy all the things I'd like to know to share with my daughter. But it's been a wonderful journey just getting my toes wet. As I read her finding ad- I'm amazed at how small the world seems from a tiny town in Texas to a country of billions! I'm thankful this is where we have been led. We've shared the journey with several other sweet families following a call. It's an intense roller coaster of emotions! And such wonder in the moments of pure joy!
I can't say who rescued who?!? I just know God had Kai written in our story long before we did. I've learned so much and know this is only the beginning. Joy does spring from grief- thank you Anne Voscamp. And healthy perspective-Thanks does change our hearts...this could have been a miserable trip-18 days God has been near every moment-it's been a great time for us to bond. And His providence is so very sweet. He's a good God all the time!
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