Making A Way in The Wilderness

Making A Way in The Wilderness

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Open Hands

Obedience is hard...when your, 2, 5, 8, 9, 33 or on your way to 36...I try to remind my kiddos and myself of that often. We are all a work in progress with confidence that He will complete the work that He begun in us. Sometimes it's easier to talk about obeying then actually following through with obedience. We seem to circle this idea a lot. A person might think after walking a road once before, obedience the second round would feel so natural. With that being said, our journey continues.

Bryant... party of 7? Why? How? Are you sure? Make no mistake we have considered all the crazy. We have asked ourselves the same questions you may be thinking. We are well aware of the catastrophe that is our life together. As we started praying about what God desired for us, it was hard to set aside all the what if's and just hear what our next steps should be. After our first trip to *hina we felt like we'd return some day. We are changed and will be from now on for the cause of the orphan, near, far and each one in between. We had no idea that day would be sooner than later. When we surrender our plans change. 

Jehovah is adding (Jo) to our family another beautiful (Li) little girl. Joli Hope is the newest Bryant, and we have such Hope in what God is doing here. This Hope doesn't disappoint (Romans 5:5). Take two requires faith just as it did before and trusting all that God is doing is Hard trust. But what we are learning is we just have to jump- be willing and we trust as a response to His record. He has already done abundantly more then anything we could ask or imagine. And what we know to be true about Him, is He is Good! 

We are excited,overwhelmed, anxious with anticipation, and in the rough part of this pregnancy...waiting without control of paperwork processes and how our sweet girl is being cared for. Just 1 year out from picking up Kai, the waiting is still Hard! Very hard. I find such hope in seeing not only Kai's journey but so many others. I'm reminded how much is out of our hands. 

We'd love you to join us in praying for our new daughter, Joli Hope. Nights can be long and quiet. I can't help but wonder what's happening an ocean away. Adoption begins with loss. Undeserving in so many ways. Joli of course deserves a loving home, but more than a family she needs Jesus. The author and perfector of our faith. The only one who can heal and restore and weave back together her precious story to reveal His glory. So we wait with open hands for our girl. We pray we can be the vessels He has asked us to be. It's a beautiful catastrophe and we are grateful for the story He continues to write for us. 

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