Making A Way in The Wilderness

Making A Way in The Wilderness

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A Bai Jia Bei for Joli Hope

I came across this sweet idea from another blog of an adopted son from China. Kai's is beautiful and I can't wait to share all the stories of her quilt coming together. A picture just doesn't do it justice. It is only fitting that we make the same quilt for Joli that she will also come to treasure. If you have the same material that's great too, that part is totally your choice. My mom and her friends couldn't believe I didn't have a color scheme...that's the beauty in all the parts coming together. 

What is a Bai Jia Bei/ 100 Good wishes Quilt? 

To welcome and celebrate new life, there is a tradition in the northern part of China to make a Bai Jia Bei, or 100 Good Wishes Quilt. It is a custom to invite friends and family to contribute a patch of cloth with a wish for the baby. Part of the patch of cloth goes into the quilt for the baby and the other part of the cloth goes into a book with the wish for the child. The quilt contains the blessings from all the families and friends who contribute a piece of fabric. 

Would you like to participate?? This is what you can do:

1. Select a fabric that you like, or that is meaningful to you. It can be new or used. I'm going to use swatches from the kids blankets that my mom made for them, for their contributions. 
2. Cut one 8" x 8" square & also a scrap piece from the fabric to attach to the Blessing/Verse/ Card...whatever you decide on. Feel free to contribute more than one square. 

The Wish/or Blessing for our Purposes

1. This is your choice, something meaningful to you & your family. It could be a special verse, quote, prayer, card, poem & will be included in the scrapbook with the swatch of fabric to identify your square on the quilt. Remember to sign your blessing. 

2. If you would like you could include why you chose the fabric, so later Kai can read the story of all the love that went into make this Blessing Quilt. 

We'd love to have many different squares so if you'd like to help you can comment or message me & you can mail it on to us! 

Here's an example of a swatch! 

8" Square 

Scrap can be any size; we just want to see which fabric & it can be attached to a plain piece of paper handwritten, or typed, or a card, or whatever you think up-it's up to you! 

I'm thrilled & can't wait to see the final product!! 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

It feels like a lifetime...

1 year ago Kai and I were en route coming home from China. The longest of days. Coming off of lots of adrenaline and support of the Holy Spirit to survive our 18 day journey. It never felt like 18 days until we landed in Denver.

At the airport in Toyko, Japan. A little Pee-Pie

I can't believe it's been a year. It feels like she has been a part of our lives for always. 
Who is Kai a year later...she still exudes so many qualities as she did the day we first met. She is a wild observer. She watches your every move and mimics so many details. She is kind and loving. She still has this quietness when she is taking in the world around her. She doesn't miss a beat. She loves to be perched high on your arm, not low on your hip. She loves to be extra close when seated together, preferably with her feet tucked under your legs. She wants to wear a sweater always. First thing to do most days is putting on her shoes. She is still into experiencing her food whether that means playing with it all, throwing it or smearing it all over herself. 

She's also changed so much! She is still tiny and mighty, and weighs in at 26.8 pounds and 2'11" ...she's grown 8 pounds and over 5 inches in height. She's grown 2 shoe sizes. she can be very vocal, she has lots of new words, but they aren't all clear which causes lots of distress. She can say I Love You as clear as a bell, and sign it with both hands. That's the sweetest sound a mommy can hear. She is obsessed with her choc milk. She adores her siblings and calls out to each of them when she first sees them, like hey guys are you here to play? She also can take back toys and assert herself like a toddler blooming into an independent 3 year old. She might be found on the floor laying down demanding sympathy from time to time. She wants to zip up, put her clothes on and shoes by herself. She loves her blankets and stuffed animals. So many friends, Moo Cow, Minnie, Simba, Nala, Hippo, Bear, Teddy Bear, Giant Puppy and the list goes on and on and on. 

Some nights have been long. We've slowly moved out of our newborn stage into exploring her room and playing with toys. Wanting to stay up all night so not to miss out on anything super fun. Grief has been intermittent. But present. It can make a parent feel so helpless. It is also a constant reminder that we can't do this alone. God has been loving and parenting right along side of us. Revealing himself to sweet Kai. Letting her know she is safe and we are constant. It's evident the journey doesn't stop here. Healing takes lots of time.

She brings such joy and life to our home. I hate to imagine a life that wouldn't include her in our story and us in hers. I can't wait to see what God has in store for her. Sewing each piece together ever so delicately. He is in the details. Every single one. Not just for Kai, but for all of us. I'm thankful it's been magnified in her life so it could be revealed to us. Sometimes we miss out on so much of his glory because we just aren't looking in the right places.  

Rebelling against the Pinterest pic mom had in mind...

Easter Hunt with Harpie 

Snack time 

Celebrating our family day...she is a fan of cake!