Making A Way in The Wilderness

Making A Way in The Wilderness

Monday, May 13, 2013

lions and tigers and bears...oh my!

Well not exactly...but the circus did come to town-I'll just be honest and say it sort of creeps me out...and clearly that's not what a little kid wants to hear-my Mom was so excited & said every kid needs to go to the circus-well I hate to say it, but she was right.
Although my entertainment needs weren't met, the kids well...the pics are priceless.

I mean what more could you ask for...cotton candy, popcorn, coke, an elephant ride, and people swinging from the Big Top! I forget what it's like to be a child. I just remember the growing up today was a good place to take sweet H's 'cease the day' mentality...they grow up so fast! So we will look forward to the next time the circus comes to town! 

my sweet Harper...

If you need a little sunshine I have just the treat for you...Harper Love...oh my, since I've had a post about our other two sweets, I wouldn't dare leave this wildflower out. She is too funny, the life of the party, always in song, independent, and wildly observant. She doesn't miss a beat & she certainly keeps me on my toes. She is going to be an excellent big sister-she loves babies. She's been loving Baby Katie (her doll)obsessively lately. LOL. She's our only child who knows how to play alone & she will for hours...tea parties, babysitting, teaching school, cleaning her room, you name it, it's a game to play. She's exuberant & the best snuggler. She has been asserting her 3 year old self lately, but is quick to apologize and make it right. She amazes me & is sensitive to learning what God wants for her...I can't tell you how wonderful it is to be her mom...Derek and I are always laughing at her expressions & things she pops off and says. We are learning so much from this little gem. But mostly to 'cease the day'! This was during a play session last week; she was on her way to California! LOL, her favorite shades from Aunt Ash finished off her purple princess look!

An Answer to Prayer

I don't even know where to begin. In the afternoon on Tuesday April 30th, our phone rang, it was our agency asking if we'd like to see a file?! I was totally caught off guard...she follows with let me tell you about the file and you can decide. Our file said we would be open to prematurity, so this is why we have been called. But I can't deny God's providence, I don't believe in happenstance. We say yes, an email comes and then there she is! I can't even tell you what that moment was like for me. Then back to reality, we read all the notes and medical info. We begin calling friends and friends of friends with helpful pediatricians, np's, and Dr's...we wait, and get more info-the good the bad the ugly...
And I cried...and cried....say no, how does a person say no? This is what we have prayed for, this is the answer isn't it? And now I can look back and say that moment when I saw her sweet face-that was God's letter for me...He wanted me to know & remember this our first meeting....not face to face, but straight into this Mom's heart. A fear for this adopting mom was will I love this child like I do my own; and the first glimpse of her I knew she was mine! And the whispers that followed were HIS. He assured me she was HIS. El Roi knows her more than I can....and that just takes my breath away; He knit her in her mother's womb; and breathed life into her; I wasn't there for those moments, but He was & I am so grateful for Him...and for that sweet momma wherever she is, I'm so thankful she chose life. I pray that she'll be filled with peace over the choice she made; for whatever reason, that she'll know it was the right one & that God intended her home to be with us. This sacrifice it is bigger than I can put into words...
And a name; as Derek & I just fell more in love with this little peanut, we were overjoyed to be flipping through baby names. One of our favorite past times-what's in a name? So, so much, and as you look at this tiny Chinese face; an American name just didn't seem to fit quite right. So then we started looking into meanings...oh my! 
Kai-in Chinese this name means 'triumphant'!, in Finnish 'rejoice', in Burmese 'strong', in Swahili 'loveable' & boy is she ever!! And then my favorite Maelin (we've heard all sorts of pronunciations off Malin/Malyn/Maulin/Maylin) which means 'little warrior'...
Our sweet daughter is Kai Maelin- our triumphant little warrior...then after naming our sweet girl we review her file once again & she is in Kaifeng, this I knew, but it just wasn't registering at the time I guess; so not only do we love the's filled with history, old/and new Mae was my grandmother's sister's name. Perfect.
Derek said there is no way we could have chosen a better name...but, the Lord provided her name! El Roi knows her! Melt my heart that husband of mine!!
I'm not yet going to paste her sweet face here...but will just ask for continued prayers as we prepare to bring her home. That she'll receive the care she needs, that her sweet heart and mind will be protected and ready for this giant transition that is coming. We pray for her grief & time that we will continue to be separated. We know she's ours, we can't wait for you to meet her.
It's an answer we won't soon forget...God is so good!