Making A Way in The Wilderness

Making A Way in The Wilderness

Sunday, April 28, 2013

a story about a boy...

My boy.

Gunnar Reid-Warrior is his name; oh is it ever! Derek insisted we select a name that wouldn't be  a girl's & one that sounded 'manly'. LOL. I can't tell you how many times I have thought about what we named our son.

He made a warrior sized entrance into the world, I missed all of it; well all of it after they knocked me out. The labor came on hard & terrible; I mean in a way you just knew something was wrong. So they see he is struggling and decide on an emergency c-section. One moment I'm sippin this awful cocktail the next minute I am totally groggy as Derek is scrolling through pictures of someone's baby. I kid you not, I asked him who it was?! I mean the nerve to be just showing me some other persons baby-weird! LOL. But it was Gunnar and then the update, he was born and the cord was around his neck, Derek said as they did his apgar he was just limp and purple. I missed all of it; but Derek didn't. I can't imagine how that felt, waiting to see what happens next. But this giant 9.5oz babe wasn't going to let NICU say who he was...a few days later we were loading to come home. He's a fighter, the negotiator we call him...and today a sweet text from a friend on his courageousness! He stood on the stage during kids church and prayed for his friends! I just can't even tell you how special that was for this mom.

This after weeks of disobeying & Mom feeling like she just might 'twist off', and I'm afraid I have more than a time or two. We heard a comedian tell stories of her kids and 'twisting off', it still makes me laugh-but you know the feeling, it isn't pretty. It leaves you almost ashamed of motherhood-because really what was God thinking entrusting me with such a huge responsibility.

My sweet friend left me with this Isaiah 40:11 verse "He will feed his flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart. He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young." He's always gently leading. And it got me thinking about today's passage in Luke, where if he has 100 & 1 is missing he'll go out to find that one. Our pastor said do you ever lose a kid & say ah it's ok, we have these 3...or lose your car keys & say no big deal I still have my car! It's the radical love He has for us that He's relentless...and today that's what I thought about as I read those sweet words about my son. I needed a little chasing after & some time on the Shepherd's shoulders so I can continue on this journey with my boy! Kind of like step back & look around, you can't do this without me, let me sustain you-don't just run ragged after all these sheep! LOL

So, a story about a boy that one day will be a man...and one wonderful man at that. He has a terrific Dad as a guide & a heavenly Father pursuing Him. I'm so thankful he's mine!

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