Making A Way in The Wilderness

Making A Way in The Wilderness

Monday, October 12, 2015

Happy Joli Day!

What a day...Gotcha day was in a new location...we didn't meet Joli first, but almost last. Waiting in that room time seemed to stand still. But then there she came down the hallway!!! 

Derek won Rock Paper Scissors so he got to her first; I kid, sort of ;) she was visibly upset, but he soothed her quickly with snacks and they became fast friends. 

She is so tiny, but mighty!!! I mean she has been just surviving!!! In a sea of 800+ children. She's the smallest 3 year old I've ever seen. It really breaks me in two, seeing her beside her sister just 2 months older! She's so delicate almost fragile. But she's with her family now and for that we are so grateful!! 

Derek has turned to putty and they've been getting along just wonderfully. 
They took a trip to Walmart for new shoes, he gave her a bath, her update said she didnt like to have her hair washed but he was ever so gentle and she came out squeaky clean and all giggles. 

Today our adoption was also finalized- this typically takes 24hrs but today their was an exception for a VIP of the province who wanted to witness our adoptions. This made for an exceptionally long day! All 14 children were troopers! 

Joli's file had all sorts of red flags or things that induce fear for an adoptive mom. Afraid of strangers, doesn't like to be on and so forth. So I was a wreck up to this first meeting. Derek says you've got to trust What God is doing. 

And a prayer from a friend was such salve for the soul today: 
Praying this over y'all today!! I am confident God is into all of the details!!  Love is one thing that can be felt through language and cultural barriers... I trust knowing Joli is gonna feel the head over heels love you have for her little self! 
Praying for rest... Easy going and well behaved kiddos and for some God moments along the way! 
It makes me think of prepping for birth... So scary but u keep thinking of what comes after the pain... A precious life! And it becomes so worth it!
Love y'all so very much!!!

Derek's steadfast spirit is the calm in my storm so often. It has been All JOY to watch him with sweet Joli today. We have a long way to go but I am sure of the Hope that springs forth with her life! She'll reach her full potential whatever that may be...and I know it's amazing what love can do!!! And she is worthy of love!!! 

The wait is her story begins!!! 

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