Making A Way in The Wilderness

Making A Way in The Wilderness

Thursday, January 1, 2015


October was full of pumpkins and sweets as it should be. 
A lost tooth.
A Balloon release. 
A slumber party in the safe room.
A mom and daughter date.
Halloween fun. 
A farewell dinner we had been dreading for months.
Kai's 7th month full.
And a day sewing with my Mom. 

Harper worked on this tooth for a month. I'm thinking Mrs. Starks suggested the ol' apple trick because when she came home from school she was determined to lose this tooth. It was a success. She was so excited and brave. 

The kiddos were not unnerved about the tornado on the other hand is not a fan of severe weather. Kai slept through the whole thing. 

Nana came and enjoyed the pumpkin patch with me and Harpie. 

Gunnar was sick on his field trip day so dad made up for it with a visit to the patch on the last day of the season. 

Miss Tin posing with Nancy Drew. A date with my oldest was a treat. It doesn't happen often enough but we enjoyed every minute. Who is this girl? They grow up way too fast. 

Kai cheesing for her 7month pic! 

A little more football...too hot for October. 

I just love this pic of mr. Elf with the China dolls 

Big brother needed to pose too. 

Our Super pastor and his wife, King Candy And the Queen. A fun little treating spot. 

My finished project from working with mom. Learned a few things from her and taught her a few too. 

Farewell Ferris/Brown was so good...I think I can still taste dessert. 

October is Infant and Pregnancy Loss Awareness month. What a downer I say. A friend reminded me that their ectopic baby had never been celebrated. I of course had not thought of it this way. So Derek came home with 20 balloons and we sat and celebrated each baby waiting for us in glory. It has touched too many of our friends and family but the Word reminds us that, This hope will not disappoint us, because Gods love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us Romans 5:5. We do have hope and for that I'm grateful. This part of October reminded me that it could be a lot quieter at my house, less chaotic and hectic on a day to day basis. But my busy is a reminder of how very blessed I am. Our lives are FULL of love, noise, hurt, sadness, joy, learning and growing. It's a good good thing! 

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