Making A Way in The Wilderness

Making A Way in The Wilderness

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

...and the waiting continues...

My calendar stays marked up-and I love, love crossing off each box and looking at all we've done for months and months...Thanksgiving and Christmas always rolls in and out so quickly-this year was no exception. The kids had parties and programs and crafts to make and desserts to bake...and this was our first Christmas in our new home so it carried lots of excitement and fun. But this was the first year part of our family wasn't present. Being pregnant during a holiday is fun and exciting and there is so much keeping you busy and happy. Being pregnant with adoption paperwork and a daughter across an ocean is something quite different-my heart ached so badly during each festivity. Placing her stocking on the mantel brought so much joy and sadness. And when that sweet girls ornament arrived I was in a puddle. Waiting has been so hard-I'm so thankful to be on this side of waiting and not at the beginning, but watching each milestone and moment missed has been rough on my heart. And I can't wait to enjoy each moment this coming year!!!
During this time we were also waiting on our LOA- our last official match for Kai. It felt unending the days being crossed off one by one-and finally 49 days later and too many refreshes to the email account to number-it arrived!!! And then we had to wait on more paperwork, but each stage has been so satisfying...just steps closer to gotcha day!
To keep my mind occupied I stayed busy...Derek and I enjoyed a marriage retreat together-it was much needed time to concentrate on one another. I'm so thankful to have had that time looking back. In women's Bible Study we completed Gideon by Priscilla Shirer- it was so so good, and a great time to reflect on how intentional God is with us. It's ok to be weak & let God be the strong one...I am weak! I'm so thankful for His long-suffering nature that didn't just give up on me as I paced and waited impatiently. A friend and I baked 200 cakes for Derek's clients-it was so fun mixing and chatting and eating- Every moment was filled to keep me busy while waiting. And God gave me just what I needed along the way-unexpected pics of our girl, waiting flowers from a friend-all wrapped up in God letting me know...He knows the wait is long, but for me to TRUST HIS timing. We brought in the NEW Year in the mountains & enjoyed giggly kids everywhere and playing in snow and eating too much. It was a great way to end the year awaiting our sweet girl. He has blessed us abundantly more than we could ever ask or imagine!!! I am grateful.

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