Making A Way in The Wilderness

Making A Way in The Wilderness

Thursday, April 24, 2014


And the Fairy Tale continues...seems more like 'these are the days of our lives'! Not to be a downer, but we crossed the threshold 10 years ago, and today... I feel like junk-I just can't kick this post jet lag bug of whatever is attacking my immune system, Derek is on a field trip with Harper (who absolutely needs some one on one), Gunnar has a scrimmage at the SandLot (he got on base! Woohoo), Tinlee had gymnastics and now is rushing to finish homework (oh 3rd grade), Kai has been in my arms most of the day (unless I was so icky feeling I had to bribe her to sit beside mommy and not on mommy) I mean it's a day to remember that's for sure! And we've been home just weeks from *hina- some days we don't know if we are coming or going. And crock pot meals are super but not if we can't remember to take them out to thaw! And I'm not sure when the last time Derek and I had a normal conversation that wasn't just our schedule and who's picking up who?! It's the best of everything, but not at all like Ken and Barbie. 
Derek was not a believer when we got married so our lives looked radically different than they do today. But there was something in Derek that I chose! A diamond in the rough and he really does shine from time to time. He's my favorite person to pester and love. I get the joy of doing both since I'm his wife right?! 
We had no idea what marriage would require of the two of us when we jumped in! Bright starry eyes and young!!! I was only 22 and Derek my older and wiser beau was 24. We have moved 5 times, not many over 10 years but each time we are amazed at the junk we have acquired. We've struggled and cried and had deep hurts and BIG love. 
And it is a our 'fairy tale' just not like you see in the movies! It's our life better than we could have ever planned for ourselves. Derek has been blessed and successful at everything he's been involved in and that has given me the privilege of staying at home with the best pieces of us! And it's given him the flexibility to be super dad! And he is! He's present and usually the only guy in a sea of moms, but that's how we operate. 
We surely will have to pay for numerous counseling bills in their late lives, but we are determined to do better together! We have 4 fabulous kiddos, and a small town life that has blessed us beyond beyond.
We don't look like we once did, nor are we who we were 10 years ago and we are grateful for that. We have prayed against complacency and are always up for trying a new way because ours lives and our kids are always changing. We don't fit a mold and our marriage certainly won't look like so and so's and that's ok. Because we were made for one another and when we operate in that space it is a 'fairy tale', one I hope my kids will appreciate! Filled with lots of laughs and even more love! It's messy but it's our mess! Here's to many more to come! 

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