Making A Way in The Wilderness

Making A Way in The Wilderness

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Days 2/3

This is us- ubber excited after arriving in ZZ. We received an update on our girl and our lanyards from CCAI on our way to the hotel! We were all in the twilight zone- it seems so crazy and I told Derek it's like your wedding day, you blink and it's over and you can't remember if you had time for cake. Lol

After Gotcha Day we returned to receive our Adoption Registration! She is officially ours!! It was emotional and exciting. Then we headed to the notary and then on to her orphanage city to apply for her passport. Transition is hard, but beautiful...broken pieces being scooped up gently and made into something new. Of course our drive took 1.5 hrs with traffic- it was time for a nap, but the uncertainty of another car ride and these new people came with high anxiety. There were lots of tears, hers, Tinlee's, my own- children are resilient but in their sorrow I feel so helpless and have to just breathe and be patient and pray 1000 prayers for my sweet girl.
We arrived and applied for her passport seamlessly. Kai posed for her pic without any hesitation. The head official was there and made sure all was done with ease and without waiting! And so we snacked and reacquainted ourselves again. We decided after the hard trip over to not go and view the orphange. It was so hard- I wanted to go so badly- but I know Kai was loved and cared for, they helped her survive- her first photo we received in an album from the orphange she looks like a baby bird- so defenseless and teeny. But this 'triumphant little warrior' , her names meaning, her story just began there. I'm thankful for Kaifeng and the LOCC (provided by CCAI) it is doing great work, I pray that more orphanages here can receive supplemental care because babies are suffering! It is unjust and cruel and hard to imagine, but it is reality. I just am certain we have to trust God in this- He knows all the storylines. 
Drive home was full of play and snacks and kisses! Oh my soul! We took advantage of the happy girl and got our first bath. Then it was time for bed. 
It was a hard night- mostly for Kai. She woke up confused and upset- thankfully didn't cry long after she was in my arms- and then 2 hrs of get to know mom and dad went on. 
I laughed at one point and said I think we are in the midst of a trust exercise- like when you do a ropes course or fall off a tree stump for someone else to catch you. She'd relax and open her eyes wide making sure we had not moved. 
We had success with a bottle and did get her tired body back to bed- as she rocked and soothed herself it about did me in. 
It breaks my heart to hear her sad moan, and know this is how she's learned to soothe herself.
But new mercies come every morning and she woke up happy, hiney in the air- it takes her a minute to get moving and then we chatted with Gunnar and Harper- they were thrilled! I love technology being away from my babes. 
We had breakfast- I think I wore more than we ate, but we enjoyed it. And now nap time- today is our free day so we are enjoying the non schedule and quiet of the day. 
A friend asked if it feels like she's always been ours- 
Yes! It's the most incredible feeling!!! And I believe she knows we are over the moon for her- for us the jury is still out- but we are to day 3 and so in love!!! 
We don't feel a world away- it's kind of bazarre. 
And we can feel your prayers and enthusiasm for us!! Pray for our flights home- that they would be supernaturally restful and safe! Derek & Tinlee head home Saturday. I'll be joined shortly by my amazing cousin. Continue to pray for all our health to be great and thank you for your prayers on attachment and bonding! 
She lights up when she looks for me! It's so precious! She is teeny, but fierce- curious, joyful and just perfect! His plans are always perfect! He always has better for us if we will just yield to Him...

This pic reminds me how good it feels to be FREE! One day at a time, beauty from ashes!! 


  1. New mercies indeed in the morning. Beautiful post again that moved me to tears. I am so thankful she has you to wake up to. No more having to self soothe in the middle of the night. You will always be there to comfort her, through it all. <3 <3 Praying without ceasing and so in love with her already! <3
