Making A Way in The Wilderness

Making A Way in The Wilderness

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Referral Day a Year Later

For our adoption process, we had to fill out a Medical checklist for 'special needs', because we weren't going to wait 6-7 years for what *hina calls a 'healthy' child. We were prepared to complete our adoption in 2 years. We had barely began gathering items to complete our dossier when on April 30th last year we received the call! Would you like to see a file? What? Is that even possible? This particular file was marked as special focus- meaning she was labeled with more than one need. We had selected prematurity in addition to some other needs and that flagged us for this file- we said yes and waited!  As we paced waiting for the email to download- the photo above is the first glimpse at our girl!!! She was 6 months in the photo, 10 months old when we were matched. It's crazy to think your going to review a file and accept it or not- we had prayed and prayed and prayed for clarity outside of our emotions and just that we would know know know that this is who God intended for our home. It's so overwhelming! More so than anything we've ever experienced. We sent her file to be reviewed by pediatricians and nurses and weighed the possibilities. And prayed! And well you know the end of the story- all I know now is God continued to confirm our decision. Several times over the last year! It's been incredible and certainly supernatural! There were days when the hours felt like they were moving in slow motion. It stretched and strengthened our faith and trust in The Lord. A year later and she's upstairs with her brother and sisters, God is so Good! 

18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. John 14:18 

We've heard how blessed Kai is?! Well don't miss that she has blessed us in a way we can hardly describe. We get a glimpse of what it means that God adopts us and loves us as His own & rescue, well she rescued us from ourselves- as selfish and worldly as we are. It seems different maybe from your point of view, but we so often get stuck building our little kingdom we forget to look to God to see what His desires for us are. We talk often about what we can do, sometimes we forget that we can take action! 

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